Fingertips Plant Info

Fingertips is a succulent native to Southern California and northern Baja California, where it grows on rocky slopes, cliffs, and bare rock. It has fleshy, cylindrical, and pointed leaves that grow vertically from a caudex at or just below the soil surface. The leaves are pale green and often turn red or orange in the summer heat. The plant produces branching inflorescences with white to cream flowers that have spreading petals, which attract pollinators.

Dudleya edulis
Lady Fingers,
Mission Lettuce
San Diego Dudleya
Dead Man’s Fingers
There are no known varieties of this species
White to cream flowers with spreading petals


Water sparingly and only when the soil feels dry to the touch. Water more frequently in spring and early summer and reduce the frequency in late summer and fall when the plant is semi-dormant. If growing indoors or in containers, use a well-draining potting mix. Allow the pot to drain completely after watering.


Fingertips thrive in full sun, ideally 6 hours a day. If growing indoors, place the plant near a south-facing window that receives bright and direct light. You can also use artificial lights–fluorescent, LED lamps–to supplement natural light.


The plant prefers sandy soil that drains well and does not retain moisture. You can use a commercial cactus or succulent mix or make your own by mixing equal parts of sand, perlite, and potting soil. If growing outdoors, choose a spot that has loose and rocky soil. You can amend heavy or clay soil by adding sand, gravel, or compost.


The plant does not need any fertilizer but if you want to boost its growth and flowering, you can apply a diluted liquid fertilizer once a month during spring and summer. Use a balanced fertilizer or one specially formulated for cacti and succulents.


The plant does not need any pruning because it's compact and has a neat growth habit. You can remove any dead or damaged leaves or stems. Also remove any spent flower stalks after they fade to encourage new blooms.


You can collect seeds from mature flowers after they dry up on the plant. Sow in spring in a shallow tray filled with moist sandy soil. Cover them lightly with soil and place the tray in a warm and bright location. Keep the soil moist but not soggy until germination.

Take stem cuttings from healthy plants in spring. Let the cut end dry for a few days until a callus forms. Then, insert the cut end into a pot filled with moist sandy soil. Place it in a bright and warm location and water sparingly until roots form.

You can divide the plant by separating the caudex into smaller pieces. Carefully remove the plant from its pot and use a sharp knife to cut the caudex into sections, making sure each section has at least one stem and some roots attached. Let the cut surfaces dry for a few days until a callus forms. Then, plant each section in a pot filled with moist sandy soil.

Thrives in

Indoors or outdoors as long as it's planted in a well-drained sandy soil and receives full sun exposure


Not toxic to humans or pets

Pests & Diseases

It can be affected by:
Powdery mildew
Root rot

Landscaping Ideas

Rock gardens
Hanging baskets

Last Updated: August 23, 2023

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I'm an enthusiastic gardener. I learned the art of growing my own food using sustainable gardening techniques from my father, which I still find effective for healthy plant growth. Gardening has become one of my best hobbies ever since I realized its benefits beyond growing my own food. Through experimenting and connecting with nature, I've found gardening to be a therapeutic and relaxing practice.